Sunday, 29 November 2009

No one seems to be writing much. I'll change that.

Hi everyone!
Lying motherfuckers.
Just wanted to thank every single one of you for thinking of me!
Even though that's bullshit.
I know that for some people, most things are just "out of sight, out of mind"... but I know I can count on every single one of you! Thank you all so much for keeping me in the loop and inviting me places; it makes me feel so loved and warm and fuzzy and tingly inside!
Yeah. Like anyone gives a fuck.
My life couldn't be more perfect right now, thanks to you guys! I love you all!
Like anyone cares about what I think.


  1. Hi everyone!
    Lying motherfuckers.
    Just wanted to thank every single one of you for thinking of me!
    Even though that's bullshit.
    I know that for some people, most things are just "out of sight, out of mind"... but I know I can count on every single one of you! Thank you all so much for keeping me in the loop and inviting me places; it makes me feel so loved and warm and fuzzy and tingly inside!
    Yeah. Like anyone gives a fuck.
    My life couldn't be more perfect right now, thanks to you guys! I love you all!
    Like anyone cares about what I think.
